Our Goal: The design and development of effective, custom learning solutions…all for you.

The ADDIE Model

At Rivertown Communications our instructional design and training development process follows an ADDIE model. This acronym stands for the 5 phases contained in the model:

Our process begins with identifying your key goals and critical content. Then, our teams of instructional designers and visual design experts create learning solutions custom tailored to your audience. We work hard to make sure the training is the perfect match for you, the subject matter at hand, and your learners. That way the lessons, video productions, and other resources we create are truly effective and accessible for your unique leaners.

Decisions made at this stage help to streamline the entire development process. We collaborate on determining what you require for your program. Together we specify:

  • Development tools to be used
  • Hosting and delivery options
  • Accessibility requirements
  • Best practices for scripting and narration.
  • Options for interaction
  • Approach to testing
  • Tracking learner performance
  • A design approach that facilitates future updates.

We make sure you know what to expect and how it will be delivered. We’re here to guide you every step of the way so you feel confident throughout the entire process—from concept to design and delivery, until your very first learner logs on -- and beyond!

Our instructional designers will create a plan to achieve your organization’s training goals while accounting for the unique attributes of your audience—including their prior experience with the subject matter, their educational level, and the time they have available. Then, our developers will produce the e-learning module, video, or other product so that it can be delivered to your audience--and they can get started learning!

Our entire team will work closely with your experts to make sure we get the content right and your training objectives are achieved. That includes evaluating the training to verify that it’s performing as expected and it meets your goals. And, of course, we‘ll make minor complimentary adjustments to ensure the best fit and outcome for your team.

did you know ...

Unless they are properly designed, features like animation, audio, and video can actually get in the way of learning?!   When learners get distracted by audio-visual content, or are unsure how to operate a feature in a course, they use valuable mental energy to address that—instead of focusing on critical learning content. You can trust our experts to follow best practices and create great learning products.